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Shipping companies will mostly write their own policies with higher standards than STCW. This will typically develop into a very large set of books, mostly in the form of a Safety Management Manual (ISM code) which is required to be ready knowledge for the crew.

The set of books is mostly so large that the crew can not be expected to be familiar with its contents. Thus they are not!

The books should be compact, easy to use and the content should be useful, realistic and up to date.
Checking of knowledge should be regular in a practical matter.

Train as you Operate and Operate as you Train. Operate by the book, it’s the best and the easiest way to operate. If the books are not usable, Throw them over the side and get new books. Call Shipdesign.

The books should not be deadweight on your ship. The books are here to help you. Especially during Non Normal and Emergency situations.

Procedures are typically divided in
  • Memory items (emergency related)
  • Non normal checklist
  • Normal checklist
  • Normal procedures
  • Vessel Operating Procedures
  • Basic Operating Procedures
Shipdesign will analyse your ship and the operational area. We will provide compact solutions for the most likely Emergency events. These most likely events, can than also be use for training and checking in the simulator.

Procedures are a support for the crew they are compact and easy to use. The crew will enjoy working with them.

A checklist should only contain the critical items for a certain part of the voyage. Less critical items are considered to be ready knowledge and are done by heart.

A checklist should not contain more than 10 items.

The system will only work with professionals and is also focussed on future legal challenges. The system uses the voyage data recorder and de bridge voice recorder to document. This reduces paperwork/workload significantly.
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